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Failure to Buckle Up Your Pet, be Fined $1,000: Good-Bye Sweet America

Proving that it should not just be known for its Snooky, having the nation’s fattest governor and being the home to the two most overrated rock acts since Paul, John, Ringo and George hit our shores fifty years back, New Jersey has passed a law that makes it illegal to drive about the Garden State’s roads and highways with one’s pet not buckled up.

Yes, that’s right. Dogs have to wear seatbelts when they are in a car or truck in New Jersey. If you are caught driving around with an unbuckled canine or feline you could be fined up to $1,000.

Talking about the need for this law, New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals superintendent Col. Frank Rizzo, the heels of his jackboots tucked neatly together, said, “Some people tell us they like to let their pets hang their heads out the window to take in the fresh air, but dogs and cats become projectiles in a crash.”

Of course, you need a car before you can be at risk under this law.  We can help.  Just go here for more information about car loans in Trenton, NJ.